Jones Addresses the Synagogue Shooting and Honors the Victims

In the wake of Saturday’s shooting in Poway, Senator Brian Jones (R-Santee) adjourned today’s Senate floor session in memory of Lori Gilbert-Kaye, a Chabad of Poway synagogue congregator who died during the synagogue shooting last Saturday.

Jones remarked, “We say goodbye to Lori Gilbert-Kaye who heroically sacrificed her own life in order to protect Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein from gunfire. I agree with Lori’s friend Roneet Lev, “She died in a sanctified way, in a synagogue, on the Sabbath, on Passover. She, for us, is a holy person.”

He added, “Words cannot adequately describe and honor such a heroic sacrifice. We should stand in humble silence and solemn gratitude that such people walked on this earth with us.”

Video from the floor session:

Later, Jones attended the California Legislative Jewish Caucus’ press conference that addressed the shooting. In addition to honoring Gilbert-Kaye, Jones talked about the community vigil he attended in Poway on Sunday night.

Photos from the press conference:

Today is also the State Capitol’s Holocaust Remembrance Day.