1 minute
Senator Brian Jones (R-Santee) introduced Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 52 today, which would designate May 2019 as Motorcycle Awareness Month in California.
Motorcycles account for less than 5 percent of registered vehicles in the United States, and California leads the way in training and safety for motorcyclists.
Jones provided an example of motorcycle riders’ community involvement by participating at the “May Ride” event in his district that was attended by thousands of local riders to support our military men and women and raise money for the Armed Services YMCA.
In his speech on the Senate floor, Jones asserted, “As a safe and law-abiding motorcycle rider and enthusiast, I support motorcyclists’ rights and safety… I encourage you to keep an eye out for motorcyclists and take extra precautions to keep our riders safe.”
SCR 52 passed the Senate 37-0 and now heads to the Assembly.
Video: https://youtu.be/kcu8tCHJ0t4
Resolution language: http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200SCR52