Senator Jones asks Governor to Veto Measure that would Reduce Sentences of Repeat Offenders

SB 136 would go easy on career criminals and let them back on the streets and into our neighborhoods even sooner

El Cajon – Senator Brian Jones (R-Santee) today sent the following letter to Governor Gavin Newsom requesting a veto of Senate Bill 136, a measure by Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco), which would eliminate the current one-year sentencing enhancement added to a criminal’s incarceration sentence for each felony they previously committed:

September 30, 2019

The Honorable Gavin Newsom
Governor of California
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA  95814

Re:  SB 136 (Wiener) – Request for Veto

Dear Governor Newsom:

I urge your veto of Senate Bill 136 (Wiener), a measure that would continue California’s recent trend of weakening public safety by putting criminals back on the streets sooner.

Specifically, SB 136 would eliminate the one-year enhancement currently imposed on every repeat offender for each prior felony conviction they have received.

The commonsense reasoning behind the commitment enhancement is sound:  those who repeatedly violate the law are generally more of a public safety threat than so-called “first-time offenders.”

In my discussions with folks throughout our state who hold a wide diversity of backgrounds and philosophies, there is a genuine concern by most that between Governor Brown’s so-called “Realignment” (Assembly Bill 109 of 2011), Prop. 47 (reducing felonies to misdemeanors), and Prop. 57 (early release), our streets have more and more people roaming them who should really still be incarcerated.

While I, and most other Californians, believe in second chances for those who are truly trying to make amends, repeat offenders clearly are trying the patience of an otherwise forgiving populace.

The California State Sheriffs’ Association (CSSA) stated the following in opposition to SB 136:

“Enhancements acknowledge the seriousness of the harm inflicted upon victims, while holding accountable habitual and dangerous offenders who commit violent felonies.”

I concur with the CSSA and the Riverside Sheriffs’ Association who believe SB 136 will undermine the public safety of Californians.  I urge you to veto this measure.

Thank you for your consideration.


Brian W. Jones
Senator, District 38