“Save Our Hospitals” legislation (Senate Bill 774) is up for debate and a vote in the Senate Health Committee

“Attorney General Bonta single-handedly took away access to an emergency room, maternity ward, and specialty medical care from 150,000 Californians, and put 700 hospital employees out of work. Our measure will help prevent this from happening again.”


Senator Brian W. Jones (R-San Diego), representatives from the California Hospital Association, and others trying to get the Senate Health Committee to approve SB 774, the “Save Our Hospitals” measure aimed at stopping California Attorney General Robert Bonta from closing more financially distressed rural hospitals throughout California.


Bonta recently squashed a proposed acquisition of Madera Community Hospital by Trinity Health leading to the closure of Madera Community Hospital and leaving over 150,000 Central Valley residents without access to health care.

Jones’s SB 774 will specifically prohibit the Attorney General from imposing unreasonable, unworkable, and unnecessary conditions on rural hospitals seeking to stay open by merging with, or selling to, another hospital.

The bill is coauthored by the entire California Senate Republican Caucus.


Senate Health Committee Hearing, 1021 O Street, Room 1200                     

The hearing will be available for streaming on the Senate website.


TODAY - Wednesday, April 12, 2023, 1:30pm.                    

Media with questions or interest in an interview with Leader Jones following the bill’s hearing, please contact Nina Krishel by email nina.krishel@sen.ca.gov or phone (818) 274-4305.                       


To prevent more rural hospitals from wrongly being shuttered by Attorney General Bonta. Many hospitals throughout the state—including in Tulare, Hollister, and Imperial County—are on the brink of collapse. If a third party wants to merge with these hospitals in order to save them from closure, SB 774 would prevent Bonta from stopping the merger as he did with Madera Community Hospital.