Senate Unanimously Approves Two of Jones’s Measures

Legislation would double penalties on “Porch Pirates” and create a combination hunting-fishing license

Two measures, by Senator Brian W. Jones (R-Santee), were approved unanimously today by the California State Senate.

Jones’s Senate Bill 358 would allow judges to impose up to a year in jail on persons who steal packages from another person’s home, business, or along the delivery route.  Specifically, SB 358 equates packages and mail delivered by private carriers with those delivered by the United States Postal Service.

“Californians have been ordering more products, medicine, and food for home delivery than ever before,” said Senator Brian Jones.  “This has led to a significant rise in the number of thefts by so-called ‘Porch Pirates’ who often follow the delivery trucks throughout a neighborhood.  Allowing up to a year, rather than just 6 months, in jail should be an effective deterrent.”

SB 358 is supported by the California State Sheriffs Association, the Peace Officers Research Association of California, and the Southwest California Legislative Counsel.

Senate Bill 470, also authored by Jones, creates a combination hunting-fishing license for Californians who enjoy both sports.  Specifically, SB 470 will allow a combined hunting-fishing license to be sold, be valid for 365 days from the date purchase, and be auto-renewed annually.

“This a is a win-win for Californians who love to hunt and fish as well as wildlife conservation programs that are funded by hunting and fishing license revenues,” state Jones.  “The convenience of getting one combination license, which is valid for a full year and can be auto-renewed, should help increase interest and participation in both sports.”

SB 470 is sponsored by the California Waterfowl Association and is supported by a diverse coalition of groups including, among others, the Coastal Conservation Association of California, NorCal Guides Association, Oceanside Senior Anglers, Recreational Boaters of California, and the Suisun Resource Conservation District.

Both SB 358 and 470 go next to the Assembly for committee hearings and approval.